I was in Waterstones in London today and came across a set of cards…

“A therapeutic treasure deck of grounding, soothing and regulating cards” created by Dr. Karen Treisman.

Sufficiently curious, I bought these and then opened them later. Dr. Karen writes that these are designed to be engaging, creative, interesting, normalising and fun and to be used while supporting a “child/adult to hopefully feel less put on the spot” if they’re feeling overwhelmed, intimidated or threatened.

I like things like this and looked through the extensive pack. Here are a few I picked out – and summarise here:

– Do breathing and relaxing exercises
– Connect with supportive people
– Sort things
– Do a puzzle
– Go to a safe space
– Hug a pillow
– Do some pampering
– Talk to myself kindly
– Do some baking
– Do something that will make me laugh
– Spend some time in nature
– Do some exercise

There are many more excellent ideas. And I really like what Dr. Karen has created. All the cards are very well illustrated too.

And it left me thinking this question:

– What would you do? (What do you do?)

– One of these or something else?

Maybe we can share ideas!

The cards are published by Jessica Kingsley.

Good Coaching!

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